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Livingston Storia e momenti salienti

Livingston Storia e momenti salienti

  • established: 1943.
  • based: Livingston.
  • league: Scottish Premiership.
  • ground: Almondvale Stadium.
  • nickname: Livi, The Lions.
  • chairman: Robert Wilson.
  • manager: Gary Holt.
  • captain: Alan Lithgow.
  • top scorer: Iain Russell (55).
  • top shower: Walter Boyd (450).
  • rivals: No rivals.
  • honors: 1-Time Scottish League Cup Winners | 1-Time Scottish Challenge Cup Winners.
  • apparel manufacturer: Nike.
  • colors: Amber and Black.
  • main sponsor: Phoenix Drilling Ltd.
  • notable players: Scott Pittman, Keaghan Jacobs, Alan Lithgow.
  • team mascot: Livi Lions.
  • last season record: Scottish Premiership: 9th Place | Scottish League Cup: 2nd Round | Scottish Cup: 4th Round.

Notizie divertenti su Livingston:

  • 1: In 1995 Meadowbank Thistle FC was relocated to Livingston and then renamed after the town.
  • 2: In 2009 the club was demoted to the Scottish Third Division due to financial problems and was on the verge of suffering a liquidation.
  • 3: The most points in a season the club earned during 2010/2011 season (82 points).

Informazioni sui biglietti di partite di calcio di Livingston

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