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Carabao Cup in breve

Carabao Cup in breve

  • established: 1960
  • number of teams: 92
  • most_titles: Liverpool (9 titles)
  • most appearances: In Final: Ian Rush & Emile Heskey (6 Each)
  • current_holder: Manchester United
  • all time scorer: Geoff Hurst & Ian Rush (50 Goals Each)

Notizie divertenti su Carabao Cup:

  • 1: Eight different sponsors have owned the naming rights for the English football cup since the beginning of the 1980's. Coca Cola, The Milk marketing board as well as financial corporation as Capital One were some of the company's the Cup was named after them.
  • 2: The latest company to give sponsorship to the competition is the Thai energy drink company, Carabao Daeng (Carabao Cup). Carabao are also the main sponsors of Reading football club alongside being the primary training kit sponsors of Chelsea.
  • 3: 23 different teams have won the League Cup up to date. Liverpool is not only leading the table with most Cups won (8), but also the most Final appearances (12) and also achieved the biggest win in competition history: 10-0 over Fulham on the 2nd round of 1986.

Informazioni sui biglietti di partite di calcio di Carabao Cup

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Carabao Cup

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