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Levadiakos Storia e momenti salienti

Levadiakos Storia e momenti salienti

  • established: 1961.
  • based: Livadeia.
  • league: Super League Greece.
  • ground: Levadia Municipal Stadium.
  • nickname: The Blue-Greens.
  • chairman: Konstantinos Kolokythas.
  • manager: Nikos Karageorgiou.
  • captain: Savvas Tsabouris.
  • top scorer: Vangelis Mantzios (36).
  • top shower: Athanasios Moulopoulos (224).
  • rivals: No rivals.
  • honors: Not yet.
  • apparel manufacturer: Legea.
  • colors: Blue and Green.
  • main sponsor: -
  • notable players: Marko Markovski, Petros Giakoumakis, Savvas Tsabouris.
  • team mascot: No mascot.
  • last season record: Superleague Greece: 10th Place | Greek Cup: Round of 16.

Notizie divertenti su Levadiakos:

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