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Hamilton Academical Storia e momenti salienti

Hamilton Academical Storia e momenti salienti

  • established: 1874.
  • based: Hamilton.
  • league: Scottish Premiership.
  • ground: New Douglas Park.
  • nickname: The Accies.
  • chairman: Allan Maitland.
  • manager: Brian Rice.
  • captain: Darian MacKinnon.
  • top scorer: Dougie Imrie (232).
  • top shower: Dougie Imrie (34).
  • rivals: Motherwell.
  • honors: 2-Times Scottish Challenge Cup Winners.
  • apparel manufacturer: Adidas.
  • colors: Red and White.
  • main sponsor: Euro Mechanical Handling
  • notable players: Ziggy Gordon, Dougie Imrie, Darian MacKinnon.
  • team mascot: Hammy the Hamster.
  • last season record: Scottish Premiership: 10th Place | Scottish League Cup: Group stage | Scottish Cup: 5th Round.

Notizie divertenti su Hamilton Academical:

  • 1: The club was created in 1874 by the rector and pupils of Hamilton Academy.
  • 2: In 1994 Hamilton went through financial hadrships and they had to sold its home ground, Douglas Park, to Sainsbury's supermarket.
  • 3: The club's record league victory(10-2) was against Morton on 3 May 2014.

Informazioni sui biglietti di partite di calcio di Hamilton Academical

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*Nota: tutte le partite di Hamilton Academical (date e orari) sono soggette a modifica!


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