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Frosinone Storia e momenti salienti

Frosinone Storia e momenti salienti

  • established: 1912.
  • based: Frosinone, Lazio.
  • league: Serie B.
  • ground: Stadio Benito Stirpe.
  • nickname: Canarini (The Canaries), Giallazzurri (The Yellow-Light Blues), Ciociari (The Ciociarians).
  • chairman: Maurizio Stirpe.
  • manager: Alessandro Nesta.
  • captain: Mirko Gori.
  • top scorer: Daniel Ciofani (70).
  • top shower: Marco Cari (287).
  • rivals: Latina, Paganese.
  • honors: Not yet.
  • apparel manufacturer: Zeus Sport.
  • colors: Blue and Yellow.
  • main sponsor: Banca Popolare del Frusinate, France Latticini, 958 Santero.
  • notable players: Joel Campbell, Lorenzo Ariaudo, Daniel Ciofani.
  • team mascot: Lillo.
  • last season record: Seria B: 3rd Place | Coppa Italia: 3rd Round.

Notizie divertenti su Frosinone:

  • 1: The true original football club in the city of Frosinone was Bellator Frusinate, founded in the thirties by a group of citizens. The colours of the team were originally red and blue which were later changed to the current yellow and blue.
  • 2: In the summer of 1990, having missed out on promotion to C1 by just three points, Frosinone was removed from the Italian Football Federation because of their financial state. When it seemed likely that they would return to the Promozione division, the club was placed in the Interregionale, where it remained for four years.
  • 3: Starting from October 2017, Frosinone plays its home games at Benito Stirpe stadium. The record number of spectators at a game inside of the Stirpe in Serie B championship of 2017–2018, was about 16,286 spectators for a match against Foggia.

Informazioni sui biglietti di partite di calcio di Frosinone

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